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The Lymphedema Patient Roundtable: June 2023

Published: 20 June, 2023

June is both Wound Care Awareness Month and Lipedema Awareness Month, and the panelists and attendees at the Lymphedema Patient Roundtable had a lot to talk about along with additional topics such as compression garments, medical pedicures, and staying cool in the summer heat.

What causes wounds? How can lymphedema patients prevent them? And if you do develop wounds, what can you do to treat them? Panelists Angela Jones and Catherine Rosenberg weighed in from personal experience, while lymphedema therapist Karen Ashforth offered helpful insights on antibacterial and barrier creams.

Not every lymphedema patient has lipedema, but many lipedema patients develop lymphedema. The panel talked about why that is, as well as the differences — and similarities — between the two conditions and their treatment.

The evening closed with everyone sharing what they are most “pumped” about this month. From summer fun and outdoor concerts to upcoming surgeries and Lympha Press compression therapy, there is a lot to look forward to for our Roundtable community!

A special thank-you to our panelists this month:

Lympha Press is proud to offer these monthly Lymphedema Patient Roundtables and to be a support to the lymphedema community. The Roundtables are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 8:00 PM EST. Sign up to attend any of our live webinars at https://linktr.ee/LymphaPress.

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