Treatment of monstrous elephantiasis
This case report describes in-clinic reduction of massive lower extremity lymphedema resulting in a total weight loss of 179 lbs.
PUBLICATION: F-J Schingale, (1999) Lymphlogie in Forschung und Praxis, Special edition.
STUDY SIZE: Case report
Inpatient treatment of a young primary lymphedema patient is described. Patient was bedridden for years due to massive swelling of her legs. Therapy was performed with manual lymph drainage, bandaging, Lympha Press®, and guided exercise in the Lympho-Opt Klinik in Germany.
Patient was discharged after six months with a reduction of 81.2 kg (179 lbs).
RESULTS: Combination therapy with MLD and Lympha Press® is effective in treating
an extreme case of lymphedema.