Practical lymphedema self-management: An assessment of patient satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of treatment modalities
This survey found that 100% of patients using pneumatic compression in the home rated pneumatic compression more effective than self-applied MLD, bandaging, elastic/rigid and quilted compression.
Practical lymphedema self-management: An assessment of patient satisfaction and perceived effectiveness of treatment modalities.
PUBLICATION: K. Ashforth, J. Cosentino. (2012) Lymphology, 45 (Suppl), 367-370.
STUDY SIZE: 30 patients
The purpose of this study was to examine preference for, and compliance with home treatment modalities for individuals living with lymphedema. Thirty people with lymphedema resulting from cancer with surgery and lymph node excision were surveyed for satisfaction and compliance with their home care regimen. All had received treatment with compression, skin care, elevation, exercise and training in self-performance of manual lymphatic drainage (MLD). Those surveyed carried
out individualized home programs which included self-MLD, bandaging, elastic, quilted and rigid compression garments, and use of an intermittent pneumatic compression pump (IPC). Those who had access to all modalities (based on insurance coverage) rated pneumatic compression most effective (100%) followed by quilted compression (72.7%) and MLD and elastic compression (each 63.6%).