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Lipedema Patient Roundtable: December 2024

Published: 23 December, 2024

Considering the glittery attire at the December Lipedema Patient Roundtable, viewers might have thought they tuned into a New Year’s Eve show! The panelists were sparkling in honor of the UK-based Lipoedema Friends International #Glitter4Lipedema Event, which encourages wearing glitter (or anything sparkly) to shine a light on lipedema awareness.

The panel was joined by special guest Dr. John Chuback, a board-certified general and cardiovascular surgeon specializing in the treatment of vein and lymphatic disease. Answering a rapid series of questions from a highly engaged audience, he fielded inquiries such as “What level of venous insufficiency warrants vein surgery?” and “Is phlebitis common after a vein ablation?”

Continuing the sciatica conversation from November, Pattie Cornute’s search for answers led to meralgia paresthetica (burning thigh pain). This potential complication of lipedema is attributed to the nodules patients carry in the thigh area, the compression they wear, and gait shifts; combined, these add to the possibility of compressing the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Pattie shared some ways she’s addressed the pain and her results.

Angelique Charles, Cara Cruz, and Siouxie Boshoff shared strategies that have recently helped them manage their lipedema, such as using lymphatic support drops and eliminating sugar from their diet.

‘Tis the season, so the show ended with panelists sharing the gifts they wish for the lipedema community. Jenny Beaujean’s exhortation that “we are more than lipedema” resonated deeply, as did the encouragement from the rest of the panel to love yourself and not feel guilty for taking care of yourself. Dr. Chuback echoed the need for self-compassion and offered a message of hope that as long as there are dedicated medical professionals committed to helping patients, the awareness of and help for lipedema patients will continue.

A special thank-you to this month’s panel and moderator:

Lympha Press proudly sponsors the monthly Lipedema Patient Roundtables and looks forward to continuing to help patients effectively manage their condition in the new year and beyond. Visit www.lymphapress.com to learn more.

This Roundtable was originally recorded live on December 18, 2024, and has been edited for time. The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Lympha Press.

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